Better Butter Spreader Are They Worth Using?

This item does a good job of spreading out very cold butter right away, and you don't even need to use something hot to warm it up. So, here is the review team for the Better Butter Spreader. I have an easy question for you that I think everyone who loves butter has. How many times have you bought bread and spread butter on it without breaking it? I'm sure some of you will say "Never." But what do you know? Don't worry. Why? You can ask me. We can't all get that good sweep on the bread with the butter knife that doesn't damage the slice. Not more than our hand fingers, anyway. Everyone always has butter in their fridge. And because we keep it in the fridge, it gets so cold that every time we try to spread it on bread or crackers, our knife will have big chunks of butter on it. These cold chunks will tear through the slice or break the bread when we try to spread it, making us swear some new words under our breath. Before cutting the butter, some of u...